Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality Products & Services in Dallas-Ft. Worth
The air you breathe has a direct effect on your health. Poor air quality could result in an allergy attack or respiratory illnesses - while those that breathe pure air are more alert and have longer lifespans.
Contaminants such as gases, pollen, dander, mold, germs, or even airborne viruses can be flowing through your air conditioning or heating systems and you wouldn't even know it until you started feeling ill. We at Advent Air Conditioning, Inc. offer a variety of indoor air quality products to our Dallas customers. We strive to provide the best air purifiers to keep allergies at bay, air cleaners to eliminate contaminants, and air scrubbers to clean every surface of your home.
Is My Home's Indoor Air Quality Important?
Families do more in homes than ever before. We use a variety of chemicals in everyday life: from hair care to cleaning products. Our daily activities include things like sweating in our home gym, cooking and baking food for our family, and then burning candles to mask the smell. Not to mention what we bring into our home: whether it's dirt on your pet's paws, germs from recent air travel, or the latest virus going around at daycare. All of these items produce airborne contaminants. And even though you can't see them, they don't disappear. Many of these pollutants are floating as molecules in your home's air.
The natural way to reduce these pollutants is to open windows and doors, allowing fresh air to replace the stagnant indoor air in your home. This provides new challenges, though: with open windows your home may become too hot, too cold, or welcome in pests. In short - opening your windows and doors can significantly reduce your comfort.
Luckily, there are air cleansing devices available that can improve your home's air quality without sacrificing comfort.
SCHEDULE A CONSULTATIONAerus Air Cleaning Products
At Advent Air, we offer our customers the latest in HVAC innovation so you can live happier, healthier lives in your home.
The Air Scrubber by Aerus installs directly into residential or commercial HVAC systems to remove surface and airborne contaminants including VOCs, odors, dust, pet dander, and other allergens. The system uses our proprietary ActivePure® Technology and has been tested in independent labs and proven effective on bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi on surfaces and in the air.
It is also the only air purifier scientifically proven to reduce the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) novel coronavirus on surfaces. The NASA-based air purifying technology inactivated over 99.9% of highly concentrated airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus in an enclosed setting in just 3 minutes, below detectable levels. Testing of the ActivePure Technology® was conducted by one of the world's top biosafety testing facilities, the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), which primarily tests for the U.S. military and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

- New & improved PATENTED ActivePure® Cell destroys over 99% of all surface and airborne contaminants faster
- Safely removes allergy and asthma triggering contaminants
- Purifies air, removes VOCs, and significantly reduces odors
- Protects heating and cooling system from potentially dangerous buildup
- Creates a cleaner, safer indoor environment
How It Works
- The proprietary ActivePure® Technology uses light waves and a catalytic process to produce scrubber ions hydro peroxides that destroy contaminants on surfaces and in the air where they seek and destroy DNA and RNA viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus), Swine Flu (H1N1), Avian Bird Flu (H5N8), Hepatitis A (HAV) and MS2 bacteriophage, regardless of their size, on surfaces and in the air
- Features a high intensity UVC light that makes use of the same oxidation and ionizing properties of light as naturally occurring in sunlight
- Certified Space Technology continuously protects and purifies the environment around you
- Proven effective in Independent studies against bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi contaminants on surfaces and in the air
- Installed by Advent Air directly to the existing HVAC system ductwork
Air Cleaning Products from Air Oasis
Get cleaner, fresher air with an air purifier from Air Oasis. This Texas-based manufacturer offers an air cleansing device that can be used with any kind of HVAC system. The air purification device is as small as an iPhone and will reduce allergens and eliminate odors in your home. The best part? It's completely maintenance-free.
- BiPolar 2400 Air Purifier

Smoke & CO Detectors
Be proactive about safety in your home. Make sure your smoke and CO monitors are working properly and up-to-date with the latest features.

NSI 3000 CO Monitor
Long-term exposure to levels of 15 PPM (parts per million) of CO or higher can cause illness and even permanent disabilities. Those with respiratory or heart ailments are at an even higher risk. The NSI 3000 detects levels as low as 5 PPM while most store-bought detectors won't warn you until levels hit 70 PPM or higher. With risks like these, it's better to be safe than sorry.
SL-2000 Smoke Detector
Your home needs a smoke detector that not only alerts you to the presence of smoke in your ducts, but also helps control the smoke through air handling systems, fans, and blowers. The SL-2000 meets all local code requirements and goes above to ensure your home safety is a priority.
Assured air safety in your home is important, and with the right monitors and detection units, it is easy to keep track of it. Call us today to find out more about proper smoke and CO monitors for your home: (469) 240-5456.